
When Did The Drinking Age Change To 21 In Ny

The Roaring Twenties was a period in history of dramatic social and political alter. For the first fourth dimension, more Americans lived in cities than on farms. The nation's total wealth more than doubled between 1920 and 1929, and this economic growth swept many Americans into an affluent but unfamiliar "consumer society." People from coast to coast bought the same goods (thank you to nationwide advertising and the spread of concatenation stores), listened to the same music, did the same dances and even used the aforementioned slang! Many Americans were uncomfortable with this new, urban, sometimes racy "mass civilization;" in fact, for many–fifty-fifty about–people in the U.s., the 1920s brought more conflict than celebration. However, for a small handful of young people in the nation'south big cities, the 1920s were roaring indeed.

The 'New Woman'

The well-nigh familiar symbol of the "Roaring Twenties" is probably the flapper: a young woman with bobbed hair and curt skirts who drank, smoked and said what might be termed "unladylike" things, in addition to being more sexually "free" than previous generations. In reality, most young women in the 1920s did none of these things (though many did adopt a stylish flapper wardrobe), merely fifty-fifty those women who were not flappers gained some unprecedented freedoms.

They could vote at last: The 19th Subpoena to the Constitution had guaranteed that right in 1920, though it would be decades before African American women in the S could fully exercise their right to vote without Jim Crow intimidation.

Millions of women worked in blue collar jobs, besides equally white-collar jobs (as stenographers, for instance) and could afford to participate in the burgeoning consumer economic system. The increased availability of birth-control devices such as the diaphragm made it possible for women to accept fewer children. And new machines and technologies like the washing machine and the vacuum cleaner eliminated some of the drudgery of household piece of work.

Mass Communication and Consumerism

During the 1920s, many Americans had actress money to spend, and they spent it on consumer goods such equally ready-to-wear apparel and dwelling appliances similar electric refrigerators. In particular, they bought radios. The first commercial radio station in the United states of america, Pittsburgh'southward KDKA, hit the airwaves in 1920; iii years later there were more than 500 stations in the nation. Past the end of the 1920s, there were radios in more than 12 1000000 households. People also went to the movies: Historians judge that, past the end of the decades, three-quarters of the American population visited a movie theater every week.

But the virtually of import consumer product of the 1920s was the automobile. Low prices (the Ford Model T cost just $260 in 1924) and generous credit made cars affordable luxuries at the outset of the decade; past the end, they were practically necessities. In 1929 in that location was ane machine on the road for every five Americans. Meanwhile, an economic system of automobiles was born: Businesses like service stations and motels sprang up to meet drivers' needs.

The Jazz Age

Cars also gave young people the freedom to become where they pleased and practise what they wanted. (Some pundits called them "bedrooms on wheels.") What many immature people wanted to do was trip the light fantastic: the Charleston, the cake walk, the blackness lesser, the flea hop

Jazz bands played at venues like the Savoy and the Cotton Order in New York City and the Aragon in Chicago; radio stations and phonograph records (100 million of which were sold in 1927 lonely) carried their tunes to listeners across the nation. Some older people objected to jazz music's "vulgarity" and "depravity" (and the "moral disasters" it supposedly inspired), only many in the younger generation loved the freedom they felt on the dance floor. The novels of F. Scott Fitzgerald (1896-1940) chronicled the Jazz Historic period.


During the 1920s, some freedoms were expanded while others were curtailed. The 18th Amendment to the Constitution, ratified in 1919, had banned the manufacture and sale of "intoxicating liquors," and at 12 A.One thousand. on January sixteen, 1920, the federal Volstead Human activity closed every tavern, bar and saloon in the United States. From then on, it was illegal to sell whatever "intoxication beverages" with more than 0.5% booze. This drove the liquor merchandise underground–now, people only went to nominally illegal speakeasies instead of ordinary bars–where it was controlled past bootleggers, racketeers and other organized-law-breaking figures such as Chicago gangster Al Capone. (Capone reportedly had i,000 gunmen and half of Chicago'due south law force on his payroll.)

To many eye-grade white Americans, Prohibition was a manner to assert some control over the unruly immigrant masses who crowded the nation's cities. For instance, to the so-chosen "Drys," beer was known as "Kaiser mash." Drinking was a symbol of all they disliked most the modernistic city, and eliminating alcohol would, they believed, turn back the clock to an earlier and more comfortable time.

READ More than: See All The Crafty Ways Americans Hid Alcohol During Prohibition

The 'Cultural Civil War'

Prohibition was non the only source of social tension during the 1920s. An anti-Communist "Red Scare" in 1919 and 1920 encouraged a widespread nativist and anti-immigrant hysteria. This led to the passage of an extremely restrictive immigration constabulary, the National Origins Deed of 1924, which set immigration quotas that excluded some people (Eastern Europeans and Asians) in favor of others (Northern Europeans and people from Bang-up United kingdom, for example).

Immigrants were hardly the only targets in this decade. The Great Migration of African Americans from the Southern countryside to Northern cities and the increasing visibility of Black civilisation—jazz and blues music, for example, and the literary motion known as the Harlem Renaissance—discomfited some white Americans. Millions of people, not simply in the Southward, only across the country, including the west coast, Midwest and Northeast joined the Ku Klux Klan in the 1920s.

By the middle of the decade, the KKK had ii million members, many who believed the Klan represented a return to all the "values" that the fast-paced, city-slicker Roaring Twenties were trampling. More than specifically, the 1920s represented economical and political uplift for African Americans that threatened the social bureaucracy of Jim Crow oppression.

During this decade, Black Americans sought stable employment, better living conditions and political participation. Many who migrated to the N establish jobs in the automobile, steel, shipbuilding and meatpacking industries. Merely with more work came more exploitation. In 1925, ceremonious rights activist A. Philip Randolph founded the beginning predominantly Black labor union, the Brotherhood of Sleeping Motorcar Porters, to draw attention to the discriminatory hiring practices and working conditions for African Americans. And as housing demands increased for Black people in the North, and then did discriminatory housing practices that led to a rising of urban ghettos, where African Americans were excluded from white neighborhoods and relegated to inadequate, overcrowded and insanitary living conditions.

Black Americans battled for political and civil rights throughout the Roaring Twenties and beyond. The NAACP launched investigations into African American disenfranchisement in the 1920 presidential election, equally well as surges of white mob violence, such every bit the Tulsa Race Massacre of 1921. The NAACP also pushed for the passage of the Dyer Anti-Lynching Bill, a police force to make lynching a federal crime, but it was defeated by a Senate filibuster in 1922. A political milestone for Black Americans finally occurred when Oscar De Priest, a Chicago Republican, became the showtime African American congressman since Reconstruction to be elected to the Business firm of Representatives in 1928.

The Roaring Twenties ushered in several demographic shifts, or what one historian called a "cultural Civil War" between city-dwellers and modest-town residents, Protestants and Catholics, Blacks and whites, "New Women" and advocates of old-fashioned family values.


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