
How To Change Joomla Community Builder Login Form


Community Builder Configuration interface.


In this screen you lot tin can configure core settings of Community Builder.

How to Access

You can access the Community Architect Configuration page by clicking on the top menu barComponents → Customs Builder → Configuration or selectingCommunity Builder → Configuration.




The Customs Architect Configuration page contains core parameter settings organized in the following tabs:

  1. General. Has full general purpose parameter settings.
  2. Registration. Lets you configure the registration process.
  3. User Profile. Configuration parameters for user profiles.
  4. Images. Parameters that bargain with image handling.
  5. Moderation. How moderation processes are configured.
  6. Connections. Connections feature parameter settings.
  7. Integrations. Various integration parameters.

General tab

The Full general tab has the following parameters:

  1. Proper noun Style. Lets yous select how user names will be styled based on following options:
    1. Single Name Field
    2. Offset and Terminal Name Fields
    3. Commencement, Center and Last Proper name Fields
  2. Name Format. How to display the Formatted Proper name field (with Name Style applied)  based on following options:
    1. Proper name Simply
    2. Proper name (Username)
    3. Username Only
    4. Username (Name)
  3. Date Format. Appointment format selection for Customs Builder engagement fields.
  4. Time Format. Time format choice for Customs Builder datetime fields.
  5. Calendar Type. Choose which agenda y'all would like to employ for date fields based on post-obit options:
    1. Drop-down, with Popup Calendar
    2. Driblet-down, without Popup Calendar
    3. Popup Calendar
  6. Electronic mail Handling. Choose how to handle Main Electronic mail Address (email) field:
    1. Display Email Only
    2. Brandish Email with Mail service-To Link
    3. Brandish Link to Email Form
    4. Practice Not Brandish Electronic mail
  7. Public Email Form. Choose if Primary E-mail Accost form (see previous parameter) is publicly attainable.
  8. Emails Sent From. Choose how sent from property or sent emails should appear based on post-obit options:
    1. User Email Address
    2. Admin Email Address with Answer-To User Email Address
  9. Email Links. Cull if electronic mail fields (not master email address field) should be linked to email accost or non.
  10. Website Links. Choose if website fields should be linked to website field URL or not.
  11. Online Status. Choose if user online status should exist displayed or not.
  12. Field Icons. Choose which field icons shoulf be shown during editing. Following options are available:
    1. No Icons
    2. But Required Icon
    3. Just Profile and No Profile Icons
    4. Just Required and Contour Icons
    5. But Info Icon
    6. But Info Text
    7. Just Required and Info Icons
    8. Just Required Icon and Info Text
    9. Only Contour and Info Icons
    10. Merely Profile Icons and Info Text
    11. All Icons (Required, Profile and Info)
    12. All Icons (Required and Profile) and Info Text
  13. Login Method. Cull how users should login when using CB Login module and Login grade. Following options are available:
    1. Username
    2. Username of Email Address
    3. Electronic mail Accost
    4. Username, Email Address, or CMS Authentication Plugins

Registration tab

The Registration tab has the following parameters:

  1. Permit User Registration. Choose if registration access should be same as the CMS or allow registration regardless of CMS settings. Recommended to gear up Yes to exist independent of CMS and turn off registration within the CMS settings. Available options are:
    1. Same as CMS "allow registration"
    2. Yes, independent of CMS "allow regostration"
  2. Generate Registration Password. Yes/No pick to motorcar-generate passwords for user during registration procedure.
  3. Admin Blessing. Yep/No selection to require administrative approval from CB Moderators for each frontend registration.
  4. Email Confirmation. Yes/No selection to require email confirmation (via confirmation link) for each frontend registration.
  5. Ajax Username Checker. Plow on or off the ajax username checker.
  6. Login on Registration. Choose if login form should be displayed on registration grade.
  7. Registration Electronic mail Name. The email name to utilize when sending emails for the registration workflow process.
  8. Registration Email Address. The email address to employ to send emails during the registration workflow process.
  9. Registration Reply-To Email Accost. The Respond-To electronic mail accost for the registration procedure e-mail messages.
  10. Registration Email HTML. Enable HTML messages for registration process.
  11. Awaiting Email Bailiwick. The subject of the awaiting blessing electronic mail message. CB field substitutions are supported.
  12. Pending Email Body. The body of the pending approval email message. CB field substitutions are supported.
  13. Welcome Email Subject area. The subject of the welcoming electronic mail sent subsequently successful registration process completion.
  14. Welcome Email Body. The trunk of the welcoming email sent.
  15. Registration Layout. The layout to be used on the registration grade. Available options are:
    1. Flat
    2. Tabbed
    3. Step by Ttep
  16. Registration Title Image. Choose image for registration grade canvas. Dropped downwardly field options are populated with prototype filenames stored in the images folder.
  17. Registration Header. Input the text (HTML supported) message to brandish above the registration form.
  18. Registration Footer. Input the text (HTML supported) message to display below the registration form.
  19. First Login Redirect. Input the URL to redirect user afterwards very kickoff login. Default value is: alphabetize.php?pick=com_comprofiler



User Profile tab

The User Contour tab has the following parameters:

  1. Username Edit. Select Ye/No to allow users to change their username.
  2. Username Fallback. Choose which field to use as username if username field is not present during course storage.
  3. Fields Validation in User Direction. Select Yes/No if backend admin editing of user profiles should also enforce required CB fields.
  4. Profile View Access Level. Select the View Access Level required for profile viewing.
  5. Maximum Emails per Hr. Input maximum emails per hr a unmarried user is allowed to send.
  6. Maximum Hits Interval in Minutes. Input minumum interval in minutes for contour viewing calculations.
  7. Template. Select the Customs Architect template.
  8. Template Output. Select the output method for template. Options are:
    1. Divs
    2. Tables
  9. two Column Layout Left. Input percentaage of left column width for ii-column layout.
  10. two Column Layout Right. Automatically calculated.
  11. 3 Column Layout Left. Input percentage of left column width for three-column layout.
  12. 3 Column Layout Heart. Automatically calculated.
  13. 3 Column Layout Correct. Input per centum of right column width for three-column layout.
  14. Bear witness Empty Tabs. Cull if empty tabs should be displayed in frontend profiles.
  15. Testify Empty Fields. Choose if empty fields should exist displayed in frontend fields.
  16. Empty Field Text. Input the text that should appear when displaying empty fields.
  17. Allow CMS User Parameters. Choose is users tin can edit their CMS parameter fields (frontend language, default editor, etc.).
  18. Profile Edit Layout. Choose the layout to be used during frontend contour editing. Available options are:
    1. Flat
    2. Tabbed
  19. Contour Edit Icon Fable. Choose how to brandish profile edit icons. Options are:
    1. Hidden
    2. Top
    3. Bottom
    4. Top and Bottom
  20. Exclude Tags from Filtering. Input space separated HTML tags that should not be stripped during profile rendering.



Images tab

The Images tab has the following parameters:

  1. Paradigm Software. Choose the software to use for image processing. Options are automatically populated based on PHP configuration.
  2. Always Resample Prototype Uploads. Choose if images uploaded should exist resampled.
  3. Default Maximum Paradigm Height. Default maximum prototype tiptop in pixels. Can be over-ridden on an image field basis.
  4. Default Maximum Epitome Width. Default maximum paradigm width in pixels.
  5. Default maximum Image Filesize. Default maximum image filesize in kilobytes.
  6. Default Maximum Thumbnail Height. Default maximum thumbnail image superlative in pixels.
  7. Default Maximum Thumbnail Width. Default maximum thumbnail image width in pixels.
  8. Maintain Aspect Ratio. Choose how attribute ration should exist maintained during image resizing. Options are:
    1. Yeah
    2. Yes, with Cropping
    3. No



Moderation tab

The Moderation tab has the post-obit parameters:

  1. Moderators View Access Level. Select the view access level required for CB moderators.
  2. Moderator Approve Users. Select if moderators tin can approve user registrations.
  3. Send Moderators Electronic mail. Choose is moderators should exist sent notification emails for pending actions.
  4. Allow User Reports. Cull is users are allowed to sumbit reports against other users.
  5. Crave Upload Paradigm Approval. Choose if uploaded images require approval before appearing in profiles. Can be over-ridden on an image field basis.
  6. Let Moderators to Edit User Profiles. Choose if moderators can edit user profiles.
  7. Allow Contour Banning. Choose is profile banning is enabled.



Connections tab

The Connections tab has the following parameters:

  1. Enable Connections. Yes/No field to enable the connections functionality.
  2. Display Type. Select the display type of connections. Options are:
    1. Public
    2. Private
  3. Brandish Connection Path. Cull is the connections path should be displayed between two users.
  4. Mutual Consent. Select if connections need to be mutually approved or not.
  5. Notification Method. Cull notification method to exist used for connection workflow. Options are:
    1. None
    2. Electronic mail
    3. PMS
    4. PMS and Email
  6. Cross Connections. Cull if connections are bidirectional or single management.
  7. Connexion Types. Enter the connexion types you want.



Integrations tab

The Integrations tab has the following parameters:

  1. Translations Highlighting. Translations highlighting tool can exist used to identify and debug Community Builder translation strings. Available options are:
    1. No
    2. Text Markers
    3. HTML and Text Markers
    4. Markers and List Untranslated Strings
    5. Markers and List All Strings
  2. Spoof Checking. Choose if anti-spoof session checking should be used or non.
  3. Version Checking. Cull is version checking should exist automatic or manual.
  4. Twitter Bootstrap. Cull if Twitter bootstrap CSS should be loaded from Community Builder template automatically or not.
  5. Fontawesome. Choose if Fontawesome CSS should be loaded from Community Builder template automatically or not.
  6. jQuery. Choose if jQuery should exist loaded from Community Architect automatically or not.
  7. Show Footer. Shows or hides powered by footer. Removal plugin must exist present in order to enable removal setting.





Quick Tips


Related Data

  • TBS

In addition to this online reference it is highly recommended that
yous download the latest CB Primer Book here!





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How To Change Joomla Community Builder Login Form,


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